Divine Readings (By Sarajane) TM

Welcome to My official website!
Hi! And welcome to My official website. My name is Sarajane and I am the ORIGINAL Divine Readings. I am a very different sort of "psychic" spiritual advisor. My gifts are the gifts of prophecy, communing with specific Angels, remote viewing, and communing within the power of the TRUE Holy Spirit, humbly in the name and authority of Lord Jesus Christ. Gods' only begotten Son. I use that term "psychic" for search engine purposes only. However, I am the sort to upset the realm of that industry and those who deem themselves "lightworkers". And I also upset those who consider themselves Christians. Its a long story. But that being said, I am here to provide
readings that both prophetic, spiritual and guidance that is specific, testing every vision, message, dream and so on for it to be given by the Holy Spirit in Jesus' name as in 1st John 4:1-3 and to provide a beacon to those who don't feel all the way comfortable with other psychics, mediums and workers of that spirit and for those who don't feel comfortable talking to someone in Churches or in their own congregation. So, what I do is sort of a supernatural counseling. I've been providing these readings and sessions for over 22 years online, in person and on the phone. Click on each link to learn more about Me and what I do!