Divine Readings (By Sarajane) TM

God loves You and is calling You to true salvation through Jesus Christ!
Here it is; no frills, no hype, but truth. God loves you so much that He sent His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ here on earth and died for You and Me. He lived as the PERFECT example of how God and us can be close in a personal relationship. He took on all our imperfections, wrongdoings, fears, screw-ups onto the cross. He rose from death itsself in 3 days. God did this because He was tired of all the incense, empty prayers that seemed routine, all the blood sacrificing of lambs in the Temple, tired of seeing those He loves being trodden down with their own feelings of hopelessness, feelings that they could never find true peace. And never letting go of wanting justice towards people who harmed them.
So, His Holy Word, says the following so that Your heart, our hearts and words match so that we can receive a TRUE renewal, a TRUE rebirth of our soul and forgiveness of our own sins. So go read these passages in the bible online at www.biblegateway.com
Understand that Nobody is righteous, and all sins, even the ones that the world says are not; are equal in Gods' eyes. When we live our lives, we don't actively seek out Gods' love, peace nor His righteousness
- Romans 3:10-11 & 3:23
At the end of our lives, we as humans account for our actions, words and so on and that includes our sins. Like "karma"- it all comes back when we meet God at judgement day. God being a just and righteous God, knows that us humans were born to rebel against God. God knew this, and doesn't wanna see us spend damnation in hell, so He sent His only Son to be that FINAL blood and spiritual sacrifice to be that divine payment for us. He died in our place. Romans 6:23, Hebrews 9:22, John 3:16-18 and Leviticus 17:11
God knew this and so Jesus His only Son, who was foretold in the Old Testament through the prophets
Daniel, Isaiah, Micah -Was sent here, to show us that God wants us to be reconciled to Him, to have a close one-on-one relationship. He made it accessible, easy, through faith, your heart and your words. Good works dont cut it, going to church doing all the sacraments don't cut it. Only through Jesus. John 14:6, 1st Tim 2:5.
How? Romans 10:9-12 & Acts 2:21 --says it all.
Just a true prayer from Your heart. So, if you believe. Pray this prayer.
Pray this aloud: "Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins and surrender my life. Wash me clean. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. That he died on the cross for my sins and rose again on the third day for my Victory, I believe that in my heart and make confession with my mouth, that Jesus is my Savior and Lord. Please forgive Me of My sins, I've decided now and forever to follow You. In your name. Amen."
If you've prayed this prayer!! GREAT!! Angels are having a party in Heaven and Satan is peed!! Good!
So, send Me an email here to tell Me all about it. And I will send you scriptures, and best churches in your area that will be a great place for you to tell them so that you can get baptized the real way and receive support from your new family in Christ! If you haven't allow Me to future guide you about it. The Gospel of Jesus is FREE.
Also, I encourage You all to watch The Chosen! Its FREE on an app and website!
Go watch The Chosen!