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If we entertain Angels, why not make it fun?

You know about that scripture about "we entertain the Angels"? In Hebrews 13:1-3. Yes, the whole passage is about lets show love, kindness and so on and entertain strangers; and that we entertain Angels too and don't even know it. Makes sense to Me. I'm also a musician & vocalist in a 60s'-70s duo. We even entertain God too! So, for the longest time, I've taken this to the next level. Every Christmas, I create the "Angels' and Gods' breakroom" in our house. It's not only very Christmas-y; But I fill the room with TONS of lights and silly decor, with a mini train-set. Festive candles and so on and whenever I do this, I always talk to them and go "OKAY everyone!! The breakroom is completed! Father God, Jesus, every heavenly being, its ready!!" Of course there's no water-cooler, but you know. And every time, you can just feel the room shift into this blanket of peace and fun and happiness; you can just feel the presence of God, of Jesus and the Holy Spirit; along with His Angels. You feel, super protected. Of course, I tend to go further and tell God stupid jokes, or things like that. Like for example; "Hey Heavenly Father, remember that time you rearranged that planet? Yah, that was super awesome." I'm sure Gods' looking at Me like.. "ha-ha-okay!!" But I suppose doing that and have been doing that since I was very young, makes Me feel really close to Him. Give it a try. -Sj

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