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The truth about soulmates and twin flames..


It seems that everyone in the psychic, occult and metaphysical realms; puts out this thing about "if its a connection you feel", and list all the signs of a soulmate, twin flame, kindred spirit, then "It must be meant to be!"! At the end of the day, the vibes and energy you may feel from another person you're attracted to; is just that. Some kind of an attraction. Now, I'm probably going to pee alot of people off; but this is for you to give you a guide on how to tell if it really is something of a soulmate or type of divine connection. Or, if its from a spiritual energy given off by Lucifer, Satan, the BAD GUY!!! And I will go into that later on. First of all, there are a few divine rules about these sort of things. I will do My best to speak them in wisdom and in the end of all, point is to direct You and to guide you to the source of receiving and being happy with the love of your life and let Father God do that for you. Instead of you stressing and trying everything else to bring them into your life; setting yourself up for failure and sadness. Btw, This material I have written here is © Copyright 2024 by ME!! Divine Readings By Sarajane TM/Sarajane Mary Ward© TM

And away we go!!

  1. Soulmate energies with one to another are still a part of the human spirit. The human soul. We are just souls in this human form. What we are in human earthly form, is just the same as in the ethereal and in the spirit realms. This is where we are eternal. Flawed, imperfect. As we all are. We are still limited in our soul energies. The human spirit, the soul even though we are created in God's image; since the day of the fall of man, are born to rebel against what is divine purity, divine righteousness, we naturally think that we know it all, and we know the way that seems right to bring that true love to us. Our physical human self and our higher soul self are one in the same; our human selves that are lustful, selfish and other dark things in ourselves that we DON'T like to admit or discover are also tied into our higher selves and that includes our hearts. The heart is naturally flawed because by nature, it doesn't seek out the divine perfection and wisdom of the Holy Spirit; see Matt 15:19, Proverbs 3:32, 23:7, & Jeremiah 17:9-10. at

2. Soulmate, TF, Kindred Souls, Soul Siblings and their energies are JUST as powerful as sexual, lustful and charismatic energies.

Here is the hard truth. Just because we feel that "zing", that almost overwhelming power of being drawn to someone, of feeling an instant attraction; whether they're physically or spiritually NOT our type or opposite of what we desire; doesn't mean they are "destined to be with you in the future". It might just be about sex, a sexual fantasy, it could be about our egos and the desire for a "conquest"; or a fantasy of our idea of the perfect partner we want in our lives. It could also be, an ethereal to physical manifestation of something we feel we are missing from our own relationship, dating scenes; something deeper(and maybe darker) inside our soul consciousness. Sexual energies, lustful desires in physical, personality, and spirit-soul energies are JUST as powerful as true soulmate types of energies. We need to seek out the divine wisdom of the Spirit of God to tell the difference. Otherwise, it can create MORE confusion, hopelessness, jadedness, to where we can shoot ourselves in the foot.

Sometimes and more often than not, it can be an attraction to their energy, to their charm, turned on by their powerful looks and their spirit combined, whether its a selfish person, someone that we know is a jerk, someone we think is just beautiful and yet dangerous, or just so powerfully beautiful inside and out, or just physically beautiful. It could also be a recognition of a like-minded or same gifted soul. There are many factors of our deep ethereal selves that we have yet to discover that create these things. Sometimes we are aware of them, more times than not; we are not aware of our deep soul selves until we think it, act it or both.

Then, there are times when "BAM" its really a TRUE connection of a soulmate, twin soul, kindred soul, soul siblings and there may be a purpose. This is where its a good idea to pray for the wisdom and seek the Spirit of God out through Jesus Christ for that purity and divine wisdom to see what its all about. More importantly, don't stop living, dating, and having a social life out of fear of "screwing up" or somehow blocking your future. You future is secured by the one who created love in its pure form; who gave all of His love and sacrificed His all for YOU! Its more important to live and grow as a person to be READY for that love of your life, to discover and sometimes relearn HOW to love someone. To give more than receive and expect Father God to provide that. Like Tom Petty says; "The waiting is the hardest part. You take it on faith, you take it to the heart." --In short, wait on God and how you love and receive love of Him. The innocence, the humility, the goodness, mercy and the peace. Even in the wait. That's the challenge.

3. A true soulmate isn't someone who will purposely cause you to draw away from both your innate sense of morality, who is currently married, or someone to cause you to fall away from being with God in your heart.

This is where I get people's rebuttal; "If You really knew their situation and their reasons why..". My reply to them is; it still doesn't make it right for you. How do you know what they are doing to themselves, their current spouse/partner, that they won't do it to you? Now, yes of course because of human will, it can change. However, if they were truly the one you're destined to be with, etc; they would desire to change and chase You, and make the necessary changes in their lives that would be having a heart after God's own as best as they could. When you change your heart and desire the things of God, of holy righteousness in your life; they would chase You because You chase after God and want to know what it is to receive that ultimate love from Our Heavenly Father. If you're in it now; let that person you're currently feeling for desire the things that are Holy and say so! Challenge them and don't be afraid to lose them. If you lose them, then it was a false light distraction and also a divine lesson on the type of soulmate to have in your life.

4. Types of soulmates and so on..

We as human and yet ethereal beings; bound together life and after life; don't just have ONE soulmate. We may have one true love forever, which does happen; and if they are taken away from life, and pass away, some of us find another but love them differently, and can be another soulmate, or tf, etc, etc, there are many, many factors. Now, that being said; lets go through some of them and I will try to be brief about them. Although at this point; I might as well write a book.. lol

A. There are kindred soulmates; the types that more often than not are just best friends who tried dating or a relationship and it didn't work out; but understand that they are alike in someways, and the other type of kindred soulmates; are ones who are attracted to each other, feel a spiritual closeness, but don't desire to go there and are content with where they are at with each other. Where we feel like sometimes; "Why didn't it work out?" or "Aha that was a bad idea, we're good just being friends.". And we have more than one as well!

B. Soulmates (based on a purpose): These are soulmates designed for a specific reason, for a season. There really is a technical label, but they do happen. Sometimes, we marry them and are happy, until they choose or someone chooses to allow the devil to slip in and follow that false light. Sometimes its for the purpose of having children with the persons' unique traits in the soul and ethereal realms to do something important in the world and for God, to call others to know Jesus Christ; or producing grandchildren for the same reasons. Other times, its because we are to evolve and learn something from the experience so that we can align ourselves to have a heart after God's own and to seek the same thing to be happy here on earth and in Heaven. We have to go through evolution many times sometimes to get it right; and then sometimes; God's like --"You know, let Me just get the right one in front of you, so that you can see that I'm with You and with this person so that you both can be truly happy." -That's when you find the soulmate or twin soul love of your life! Those ones can happen in the weirdest, most unusual ways. But that's what God does. Totally out of the ordinary. And we never have just one either!!

C: Soul Twins, (NOT to be confused with Twin Souls.)

This one, I can PERSONALLY speak from experience. Sometimes they are better than Twin Souls, or Soulmates, and other times, they can be your nemesis. Like any other soulmate types, still human in the ethereal spirit sense and on earth. These are the sort that so IDENTICAL to you and what you're like as a person, as a soul and as a human, even have that attraction that is so intense in spirit, mentally, physically and emotionally. Its so attractive that you feel you have to try it out. Sometimes like kindred souls, here for a season, but shorter, and also more dangerous to your soul, ethereal and physical earthly self. Its like looking at the counterpart to you and even revealing to you quite bluntly your deepest darkest thoughts, desires and lusts. They can have different and 100% opposite beliefs of you and opinions( for example, believing the the Moon landing was fake).

They are almost telepathic and empathic like a twin sibling. Sometimes, they carry the energy very similar to a true twin soul or soulmate love of your life; to where you're bloody well minded to make it work because you think it just has to! They are truly a freak of ethereal nature. Either way, you could learn ALOT about You and all parts of your soul from them. Its rare that they end up being the love of your life and I mean RARE! I met mind and married Him and divorced, coz the way it ended. I knew God's hand was in it.

It broke My heart to pieces when it ended and how He did Me. Even the sign of My wedding ring starting to crack split down the middle; was a sign and I ignored it along with the dreams of what was going to happen. The worse part is that His energy was so beautiful that He did His best to attempt to draw Me away from God. It was scary and yet exciting to Me at the time. It was certainly a strong divine lesson to learn from. It did teach Me about how to truly forgive, let go and accept it. Along with what to seek out for in true love.

As unusual and strange as it is to meet them, let alone date or be in a relationship with them. Its to learn something and evolve as a being or let your example teach them something. Then move on.

D: Soulmates who never meet physically if maybe just once. But will always carry each other in their heart and life. More like Soulmates made for the ethereal and spirit realms. These are meant to exchange something of import between each other. Either a constant connection or just for a moment. This is very common. Where the energy and connection is so intense; that when you dream of each other or just you; its important. Like, the counter part is looking for you for some reason, to gather knowledge, wisdom, sometimes to let you know something important. Other times its seeing something prophetic, symbolic or something like to help them; or they help you. These types usually are like twins in some form; where they have the same experience in life as you do; both have a particular trait or two both physically and in the soul; there is a common bond that you two will always share and more times than not, you will always wonder what is going on in them and on the parallel side of the universe and all its realms. Sometimes you meet them once physically and its brief to where, youre both stunned by it. Usually it will happen first that way and then later in dreams and such; other times, it happens first in the realm of dreams where it stays with you then physically for a moment. It happens almost exactly the way it did in your dreams or close to it. A sort of premonition.

******Still with Me? Yes, this might as well be an essay or a book!******

E. TWIN SOULS!! (C'mon, thats what you really wanna know about!)

This type is tricky. Because in REAL truth; we do end up with them and they DO end up being the true love of your life. Many times we think We have found them and never get with them for whatever reason. But in serious divine truth, we DO! The journey can be quick when you're young, or it can be as long as we allow it if we choose to think that we can tell the difference or are not ready for it.. yet! Twin souls are a unique sort of soulmate that desire the SAME ultimate goal. Not just to be happy here on earth, but to be happy in the ethereal and after life. To be complete in the sense of happy in love. Not being what we perceive as "perfect"; but to be selfless, meek, loving and full of the love of God enough to be each others help-meets, lifting each other up, faithful in the heart, mind, spiritual and physical desiring no one else. They fit so well, because their heart is desiring to let God love them and fill them up with His love, not what the world and humans believe it to be. Even the religious minded. They chase you because youre chasing God and to be close to heaven as possible, here on earth and in the spirit and ethereal realms. They are the same in some ways but have enough differences to understand each others humanity, frailty, and to be able to relate and love them just as close to as God does. These TRUE Twin Souls are chosen by Father God and how much HE knows what youre yearning for, desiring for, what you're attracted to inside and out.

They grow with you, cry with you, mourn with you, celebrate with you, and are a manifestation of how Jesus is to us , of how God loves us; but with more of the humanity. Forgiving seven times seven, appreciating your unique self, seeing your beauty and how it enhances your physical beauty. Understanding and appreciating it. And when we fight, we forgive, and let it go, and move forward. And still love. Most times when they are gone because of death; we NEVER find another partner. If we do, its because its what God wants for us and we transcend that kind of love to the other. These only happen once and the way God wills it; we dont even know its coming. It just happens when we let go and let God. Sometimes its fast, other times it takes a journey to be ready for it. Not as we think. but as God thinks. Thats the challenge. They're not there to love us, but we are there to love them just the same. An example after Gods' own heart. When its right, God will provide and we must desire to be ready for it. Even in ways that we may not like. Stepping out of the world and its religious and not so religious views. Desiring to step into Gods' realm of love and understanding. And You ALWAYS meet them at some point when its TIME to come together according to Gods' will for you.

One thing TRUE twin souls NEVER do -- is when you're in an ethereal connection; they never draw you away from knowing God through Jesus Christ and putting Him first in your heart and life. They NEVER send vibes as if they can't breathe without you if you "draw away" from them. THEY NEVER send vibes or voices in your soul and head that sound like screaming, or threats to harm them or you in some way. They NEVER ever stop you from living and seeking out happiness of any kind to fall in love nor stop you from living your life.

Finally; they NEVER, EVER are married at the time. Because marriage isn't just a piece of paper. When you marry you say the words as a vow, whether you mean it or not, it IS STILL a vow and you're bound to it til death, or divorce. Those souls and energies that do these things are false light, so beautiful in energies, feelings, and everything you've ever dreamed of; and are agents of the Devil. So, the point is, be aware, and desire to have your heart as best as you can in the comfort of salvation through Jesus Christ and Your relationship with God; Your Heavenly Father, who desires you to be happy and thrive under His glory and supernatural love for You, precious Child. Because He gave all that love for you when He took your place for the payment of sins at the cross. He bled for you, died for you, rose again for you so that YOU can have that divine access to be free from that captivity of sin and all its beauty that is fake light. --Peace out! --Sj (DivineReadings) ©2024

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